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Becoming a mathematician means...


As a mentor: build advising and leadership skills in a low pressure environment.
As a mentor: invest in others and share your knowledge.
As a mentor: teach students who want to be taught.
As a mentee: receive one-on-one mentorship in a low-pressure environment.
As a mentee: learn 
neat math while growing as an independent thinker outside of normal coursework.
As a mentee: 
build confidence while working at your own pace.

What is the DRP?

The Directed Reading Program (DRP) is a *new* way of bridging the gap between classes and more focused interests. In this program undergraduates will be paired with a graduate student mentor of similar interests. The pair will choose a reading (book, paper, etc.) and meet once a week to discuss what they have read. We want to emphasize that this is *low-key* is here to bring joy 


The program will culminate each quarter in a social event where the undergraduate students can give a 5-10 minute talk that their mentor will help them prepare.

The DRP is a great opportunity to build your confidence in math through
 one-on-one mentorship in a low-stakes environment (*no grades!*). During the pandemic, it is difficult to feel like you are part of something. Having fun math to call your own can provide the motivation to get through a tough year.

We are now accepting applications for Winter 2021! To join, click the button for you below and fill out the google form and we will pair you! YES! It is indeed that easy. 

Still have questions? Feel free to email us! 

Join now!



Ashleigh Adams is a 1st year at UC Davis and NSF graduate research fellow interested in algebraic geometry who has done work in commutative and combinatorial algebra. She did her undergraduate degree at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Much of her confidence to pursue research and eventually enter graduate school was due to the mentorship of graduate students and independent studies similar to the DRP. She drinks too much coffee, has a cat named Slalom, and ate ice cream outside in a tshirt in <-50 degree F weather.

Contact: adams (at) math.ucdavis (dot) edu


Kyle Chickering  is a 2nd year PhD student working on nonlinear partial differential equations under Steve Shkoller; he is particularly interested in fluid singularities and nonlocal behavior. He knows how to weld (helpful for any mathematician) and in his free time he enjoys reading, playing with puppies, and writing about himself in the third person.

Contact: krc (at) math.ucdavis (dot) edu


© 2020 by Ashleigh Adams. This site in no way reflects the thoughts and opinions of UC Davis or the Department of Mathematics at UC Davis.

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